Are you looking for a fun, free play experience for your child? Regents Park State School has a new KindyLinQ program.
The program provides a safe, welcoming space for families to stay with their children and participate in fun early learning experiences. KindyLinQ is led by a qualified teacher and early years support coordinator for a minimum of 3 hours a week.
Parents with children aged from birth to three years of age are invited to join us on a Tuesday between 9am-12pm for KindyLinQ.
The staff at Regents Park School's KindyLinQ program will welcome you and share activities and ideas that will support your child's learning.
What to bring:
• a hat
• water bottle
• morning tea for your child
Complete the registration form on this page and return via email, or to our front office. Our staff will then be in contact with you so you can become a KindyLinQ family!